
10 Powerful Lessons from a Turkish Rug Trader

Several years ago I was staying at a beautiful hotel on the beach on a small Greek island. The hotel was full of young people in their mid-20's who appeared to be having the time of their lives. I had chatted with the receptionist several times during that week when I was at the hotel. The receptionist was my age and very attractive. She had a boyfriend who would sit in the lobby and chat with her at night. I think she was very surprised by the fact that I kept coming home alone each evening. When I would walk through the lobby each night, she would always ask me if I had met any girls that evening and ask me to tell her about my night. She was really nice to me. She had actually given me a beautiful suite in the hotel and was charging me the same price as a normal room. She had another friend who worked in the bar near the receptionist desk who gave me free beers every evening. I was beginning to think Greece was the greatest place in the world.

5 Things to Consider Before You Hire a Virtual Assistant:

I hear the term "Virtual Assistant" more and more in business. Did you know that you could possibly hire someone from another continent that works while you sleep and maybe for $8 - $12 Dollars. Most of the VA’s I work with have degrees and one an MBA in Business Admin. I pay her a pautry $15.00 per hour now thats waht I call a bargain!

Construction Job Vacancy – How to Find Construction Job Opportunities

Construction job vacancy is very much common these days with too many building and infrastructural projects happening. Finding the right construction job is also a big challenge as there is a great deal of competition in the job market. But, a construction career can be a great option these days if you are up to the challenges posed by the job. You can begin by searching online and select the job that would be best suited according to your skills and experience.

Construction Job Sites – How to Choose a Suitable Construction Site

As there are a large number of construction job sites, your best would be to look up a website that is more focused and wide accessed by prospective employees. If you are looking for construction job vacancies, try to localize your search if you have a fascination about working in a particular area. Before you embark on a construction career, you would do loads for your future by selecting the right site where you can access a good deal of jobs straight away.

Interview: Speaking and Listening Skill

Whatever type of interview is being conducted, it is very important to give a good impression. This impression, of course, varies according to the situation. For example, the opening ''I am very glad you came to us today'' would be good for a job interview, but hardly appropriate for an interview for dismissal. In interviews being unpleasant is not welcome. Always try to act like a human with real feelings. One or more paternalistic approach will not achieve the desired effect. Under no circumstances you should be rude either. You have to maintain a reputation as an impartial person, and the enemy is taken anywhere.

How to Post Your Resume: Employers Will Notice It

When you post your resume to employers, you never know whether they would be looking at them. Posting your resume online is not easy unless you take the services of a really effective resume distribution service. In these tough times, getting a dream job is something made of dreams and virtually unattainable. Unless you use a resume service that offers maximum exposure to employers, you just cannot expect to get a call.