
Relationship Management: Knowing and Communicating with Your Key Publics

Many organizations actively engage in 'Issues Management.' For most, this involves scanning the news, developing communications strategies around relevant issues and trends, and then communicating their messages back through the media. However, effective communications is more than just managing issues through the media. Companies and organizations must also be aware of their external publics.

5 Simple Tips For Dealing With Nasty Customers

If you’ve been in business very long, you’ve likely heard it all! You know, the irate customer who is going to sue you over the nineteen dollar product that they claim is bogus; the one that’s going to “shut your business down” because they conjure up in their minds that you might have breeched your privacy policy, or the one that takes complete advantage of your money-back guaranty. My favorite has to be the one that calls and screams vulgarities into the phone for apparentl...

What’s The Best Way To See The World? – Teaching English Abroad

Almost everyone dreams about traveling and seeing the world. What better way to do it than with a rewarding career? If you're considering teaching English abroad, chances are good you've got the wanderlust... and little fear of being gone for a good period of time. If you've already weighed the pros and cons and decided that this is the career for you, chances are good you know what the requirements are. You may even be working on your degree as you read this. Nonetheles...

What To Do Before Handing Out Survey Forms

It doesn't matter if you have hundred of thousands of employees, or just three, employee surveys are still necessary to ensure a smooth running organization. However, conducting surveys is more than just handing out forms and getting your employees to answer. To ensure the accuracy of survey data, you, as an employer must observe proper guidelines. First, be clear about the goals of the employee surveys. Are the surveys to be utilized as gauges for salary increase or for a...

Radio Advertising: A Long History Of Excellence

For years people have tuned into radio talk shows, radio morning shows as well as all those broadcasters and their funky styles. If you are like many, you flip on the radio as well. From a marketing standpoint though, do you realize the value of radio advertising? While many say that your marketing dollars should be split into various categories, you will find that this is an excellence place to start. What does radio advertising have to offer you? Consider first the amou...