
Greetings Card – What, When and How :

Greetings card are a way to express human well wishes and sentiments and emotions. The beginning of sending of greetings card in ancient times can be attributed to the Chinese before the fifteenth century. The first modern day greetings card is supposed to be published in the 1840s. The current day greetings card can be classified under three heads, namely handmade greetings, mass-manufactured and online greetings cards.

Communications Analysis: Real-Time — Benchmark for success in 2006

You've just reviewed the final results of your last pro-active media campaign to launch that new product or service. The numbers look pretty good: media impressions were in the millions; coverage was evenly split between broadcast and print; and a leading national paper ran three stories on the launch-pretty impressive. But could it have been better?

What Is A Virtual Assistant?

What is a Virtual Assistant? This is a question you've probably asked yourself if you have heard of the title "Virtual Assistant." A Virtual Assistant (VA) is an independent contractor and a home-based entrepreneur who uses the Internet, phone, fax, email, and other technology to communicate with his/her clients. Virtual Assistants provide administrative support and/or specialized business services. Many Virtual Assistants were most often Administrative or Executive Assis...

Tips for Successful Negotiating by Phone

Most of us negotiate something every day. Whether it’s getting our kids to willingly clean their rooms, or hammering out an elephant-sized contract with more details than a politician has “special-interest” donors, our ability to haggle effects our results. Here are some useful negotiating tips offered by internationally-known speaker and trainer Art Sobczak, President of Business By Phone.

What To Expect In A Flight Attendant Job Interview

"Hi! I've just been invited to attend an 'informational session' at XYZ Airlines that's being held next Saturday. I sent them my resume a couple of weeks ago. Is this an interview? Is there anything I should know?" Yes, Virginia, airlines are hiring flight attendants again - and the so-called 'informational session' is often the first step in the flight attendant job interview process. Start off by congratulating yourself - obviously, your resume and cover letter did their...

Can You Hear Me Now?

We all think we know how to listen, yes? The fact is that very few people know how to truly listen. In our earnestness to serve, we get pulled out of a conversation by preparing for the answer while the other person is still talking. We wait for a pause and when the person takes a breath, we jump in to improve or remedy the situation.