
Answering Service

Just about everyone these days has some sort of answering service, whether automated, like an answering machine, or live. When you call someone without a service, often it can get very annoying. This is especially true when it comes to businesses. However, customers do not usually want to call a business and get just an answering machine or voicemail. They want to speak to another individual that can help them with their problems or answer their questions. This makes it necessary for a business to have some form of answering service. Whether customers are calling in with orders or just calling in with questions, a business must have the proper tools in order to be prepared for the task – and that requires a well-qualified answering service.

ReservationRewards Delayed, Lost and Damaged Baggage Protection

ReservationRewards Delayed, Lost and Damaged Baggage Protection - Checking your luggage on a flight is a convenience, but when the airline misplaces your bag - even for just half a day - it can be an enormous inconvenience instead. And, while the airline personnel are sympathetic, there's often little they can provide you to offset the costs created by baggage delays.

Closing in on Effective Advertising

You’re spending a ton on advertising and you’re just not getting the results you expected. Customers aren’t calling. Nobody knows who you are. Or worse yet, they’re confusing you with your competition. Is it the writing? The design? The positioning? Here’s an unusual approach to closing in on why your ads aren’t working.

Construction Directory – More Than a Listing of Products and Sellers

The top construction directories are not just helpful resources for the final consumer who might be trying to find where he can find different construction requirements near his location. Instead, they would be a major resource for industry players with coverage of news, best practices, forthcoming events, regulatory requirements and so on

Do You need a sexy company logo or would a stinker be more effective?

The debate over how much of a companys large reserves of spending power should be spent with greedy, oafish design agencies rages on and is not about to be resolved in this trite article, however we can suggest some alternatives to the usual company logo ideas and perhaps for once bad could be the new good...or something.