
What’s So Great About Popup Displays

PopUp Displays are currently the most common form of low priced trade show and event display. A Popup Display is not a trade show "booth" as much as it is a backdrop or background wall for your display area. A popup display normally has only two main components, with two or three other optional accessories. The most substantial part of a popup display is the folding frame which is normally made of either fibreglass or aluminum tubes. The frame serves as a skeleton that yo...

Experts Question Flip-Flops In The Workplace And Their Effect On Our Feet.

Women are wearing flip flops in the workplace more and more, especially in these warmer months. U.S. style experts believe that flip flops could be damaging not only our feet but our careers. There are so many new styles of flip flops: beaded, leather, sequins that women feel it is easy to get away with wearing them to work. An employee of West Glenn Communications comments that she wears flip-flops on the days she doesn’t have important meetings with clients or avoids ...

Event Delegates Are Lifetime Friends

Customer relationships are meat and drink to Gary Chapman, he runs a consultancy company that trains and informs corporate organizations about Customer Relationship Management (CRM). His company runs public seminars around the country on a weekly basis, dealing with thousands of delegates every year; here is his advice to you if you are planning a similar event. The registration process may be your first opportunity to connect personally with a customer and demonstrate to ...


Wiele się mówi o tym, że opalanie przyczynia się do starzenia skóry. Tymczasem - ciekawostka - podczas opalania w organizmie aktywowany jest jeden z najsilniejszych znanych antyoksydantów.

7 Ways to Cut Loose from Old Sales Thinking

How would your selling behaviors change if you changed your sales thinking? Old Sales Mindset Vs New Sales Mindset. Always start out with a strong sales pitch Vs Stop the sales pitch. Vs Hidden sales pressure causes rejection. Eliminate sales pressure, and you’ll never experience rejection. Vs Never chase prospects. If prospects challenge the value of your product or service, defend yourself and explain its value. This only creates more sales pressure.