
Selecting The Right Venue For Your Next Event

We're running a conference in three months", said the CEO, "Find me a really good venue and make sure we don't break the bank". So, in around twenty words, you've been promoted (or demoted) to Event Manager. You may have little or no experience in this field and training is definitely on-the-job and it starts now! Just about everyone with space to rent is into providing a venue for all types of event. You can choose from purpose built training facilities, hotels, mansions,...

WEBconference integrated with CRM

According to the Forrester consulting firm, the WEBconference market has had a 28% annual increase in the last 5 years and this progression should continue until 2011, going from 700 million to 2,8 billions a year. Better known for its applications on the public WEBinar, the eMeeting applications should experience in themselves the strongest increase.

The Procurement

There are several things that are important about procurement that you should consider. In a business standpoint, timing is virtually essential. If you are like many business owners, the best time is the time when prices will be low enough to handle. This can be quite difficult to call and even more so, it will be difficult to manage. But, when procurement is used effectively, your business truly can reach new heights. What should you consider in procurement? • You will w...

The Price Tag of Incorporation: Fees

A lot of benefits await a company that's about to incorporate, but there's a price to it all. A hefty price in fact. Incorporation is a long and sometimes grueling process. It also happens to be an expensive one. In particular, a company will face fees for incorporating – all this means is a company can't really incorporate on its own; it often needs the help of an outside service to efficiently incorporate. There are steps you must take both before and after incorporation that require a lot of paperwork and changes to your business structure.