
Nine Ways to Exit Your Company

As many of you may remember, singer Paul Simon said there are 50 ways to leave a lover. If you are a business owner thinking about how to leave your business you have nine options to consider. This article contains a brief summary of the pros and cons of these options.

Eine neuer Startup

Vor wenigen Wochen wurde wieder ein neuer Startup online veröffentlicht. Der Online Service heißt foodJoker und kümmert sich um die Restaurantbranche. Das sagen sich viele gleich, "na, einer von vielen", aber bei foodJoker ist es anders.

How to Act on a First Date

Usually by the time you have a first date you have either already meet someplace, or have at least talked on the telephone or over the internet, and there should at least be some amount of interest in each other or why would you have agreed to the date in the first place.