
Is An Event Over When It’s Finished?

As the last delegate left the conference, Quinne McLachlan sat down at her laptop and started to write a review of everything that had happened. She was the event organizer and all through the proceedings she had been taking scribbled notes about the main points of interest, delegate questions that had not been fully covered by presentation material and presenters who had been well-received or those who had courted controversy. She found that her role as coordinator throug...

Ergonomics In The Workplace

As the number of employees who work in an office environment increases, so do the number of common office injuries. This is because many offices do not have an ergonomically-correct facility for their workers. In recent years, having an ergonomically-correct work environment has become as important as pay scales and benefits packages. Employees want to know that the time they put in the office on a daily basis is not contributing to a decline in their health with onset of aff...

How to buy a used car

Purchasing a used car does not have to be a gamble. If you use your head when shopping for a new car the chances of getting a good car are much better then your odds of winning in a casino, but the problem is many people look at it like Roulette. They place down their money and hope for a winner, when they should be looking at buying a used car as a poker game. In poker you have to believe you are going to win or you lay down your cards and walk away, and that is the best advice for buying a car. If you think the car is not the best you can get or that the seller is not telling you something, leave and find another one.

Instant Merchant Account Benefits

An instant merchant account can provide you with the means to expand your business almost instantaneously. You first have to get accepted, of course, but then the sky’s the limit when you begin implementing ways to expand your client base and enhance sales receipts. There are few other business ventures that can so quickly and effectively help to promote your business to the outside world, impress your customers, and facilitate sales and payments. Here is how this easy proces...