
USA vs The World

Recently Reuters posted a new article entitled "EU threatens to renew sanctions over US tax breaks." This article highlights how the EU is threatening the US with "hefty sanctions" on US imports beginning May 1st if the US went through with plans to give huge tax breaks to companies deemed illegal by the WTO.

Why Cash Crate is The Best GPT Site in the Industry

While looking for new ways to boost my online income I ran across Cash Crate. Knowing noting about the GPT industry I discounted it as yet another internet scam. But that nagging thought "what if it is for real?" eventually brought me to give it a try. Several weeks and several hundred dollars later, I can confidentially say that Cash Crate is definitely NOT an internet scam.

5 Tips For Closing That Consulting Deal

There are several reasons why consultants ultimately lose deals they should have won. Unless your portfolio is poor, consultants lose contracts because they either didnt listen or they didnt speak effectively to convey what services they could offer, that would help the client reach their goals. Here are a few tips to help you sell your services.

Elrical Safety Is Not Shocking

In electrical injuries there are four main types of injuries: electrocution (will cause death), electric shock, burns, and falls. These injuries can come from direct contact with the electrical energy, electrical arcs that jumps to a person who is grounded, thermal burns including flash burns from heat generated by an electric arc, flame burns from materials that catch on fire from heating or ignition by electrical currents, and muscle contractions can cause a person to fall.