
Spanish Transcription

Spanish Transcription means transcribing into Spanish text after listening audio tape. It can be from Spanish to Spanish or from English to Spanish. It includes the ability to comprehend Spanish and ability to follow accurately the basic elements of conversations and telephone calls. The aim is to transcribe the entire recorded conversation, unless informed otherwise.

You Don’t Have To Quit Your Job – To Be Your Own Boss

I'm constantly seeing articles about how you should quit your job and start your own business. I wont' argue with that -- being your own boss is a terrific experience and can give you the time and financial freedom you've always wanted. But the plain truth is that most of us NEED our jobs to pay the mortgage, the rent, our car payments, insurance premiums -- you name it! If we didn't have that check coming in on a regular basis, we'd probably be living on a street corner s...

Tips for Entrepreneurs Opening a Restaurant

As entrepreneurial enterprises are concerned, opening a restaurant is by far one of the hardest endeavors to undertake. While the rate of restaurant failure isn't nearly as bad as it's purported to be, restaurants do fail at a much higher rate than many other types of self starter business. For that matter, even franchised restaurants (usually the smaller "fast food" variety) have a failure rate just a few percentage points below self starters.

Tips for Carpet Cleaning

An unbeaten carpet care program commences previous to installation and than keep on with the regular vacuuming, maintenance, clean-up and episodic renovation efforts. It calls for utmost care to shield it against wear and tear and the other hazards of every day use.

Working Capital Solutions With Factoring

Ideal Candidates for Accounts Receivable Factoring: Any business that provides a product or service to other creditworthy businesses and is constrained by their day-to-day cash flow situation. Does your business need: • Cash to Cover Payroll? • Working Capital to Fuel Growth? • Help with Cash Flow Problems? • Help because of Bank Turn Downs or refusal to extend current lines? • New Equipment to Grow? What is factoring? In a traditional factoring arr...