
Understanding Stop Words, And How To Avoid Them.

To understand how to avoid stop words, you first have to understand what stop words are. Search engines have words or phrases that are considered ‘stop words’. When a spider or crawler encounters one of these stop words, they will immediately leave your website and any information they gathered from it will not be saved in their database. This means that your website will not be indexed. If your website is already indexed in a searched engine, the crawler will come back to se...

Wouldn’t It Be Nice If You Could Custom Tailor Your MLM Leads Any Way You Want?

In order to succeed in MLM, you are going to need a steady supply of fresh-targeted MLM leads that are anxious to get started in this business opportunity. MLM lead vendors know this little fact too and they can see you coming a mile away. This can pose a problem for all but the super savvy network marketers and people with extra-ordinary telephone skills. Here are 5 of the most popular reasons you may want to consider generating your own MLM marketing leads. 1. Qual...

Why Your Leads Aren’t Working – And What You Can Do About It Now

You placed ads all over Google, you bought leads by the thousands from a service, you even had a sales letter sent to a big opt-in list. Then you couldn't believe it when nothing much happened. Your site probably got a LOT of hits, but nobody bought anything. How could that happen? Experts have been arguing over that one for years. If you had that experience, you're not alone. Adsense, opt-in, and purchased leads often deliver poor results. Why? Most often the reason is...

Event Etiquette

The workshop was over. The delegates had long gone and Margaret Kerr was recovering with a cup of coffee. The room was strewn with sheets of flip chart paper, the debris of the buffet lunch and countless empty coffee cups covered every horizontal surface in the room. Margaret was drained. The workshop had been a tough one for a trainer; the delegates had all been sharp and smart; they had challenged her knowledge and demanded long explanations of the reasons behind the theori...