
New Year’s Planning – Critical Success Factors

Whatever time of the year it is, you have probably set a working direction for the rest of the year, including clear-cut objectives. Your first-iteration plan to reach them should be in place. This now (whatever time it is - if you are thinking about it) seems like an ideal time to rethink the whole thing, doesn't it? In our sped-up 21st century world, plans are subject to change just as soon as - or perhaps even before - they are written. If you haven't already done so, n...

Why do people play in online casinos?

With the introduction of the internet in the early 1990s, several business opportunities have become available not only to big corporations, but also to small businesses and individuals. From internet shopping to online education now comes internet gambling. Internet gambling has been around for over 15 years already but it is only now that it is getting this much attention as more secure encryption codes are developed and internet advertising becoming prevalent. 2008 estimates show that online

WEBconference services in 8 languages

WEBconferences are just like normal meetings but they are conducted virtually over the Internet. Presenters can give PowerPoint presentations, consult documents, use interactive on-screen graphics and even vote or display the results of collaborative efforts. With multilingual WEBconference, presenters as well as participants can select their user interface language, independently of the content of the WEBconference which relay to the presenter.

Multilevel Marketing

multilevel marketing (MLM), or network marketing, as it's sometimes called. You know the concept. It's what made Amway a household name. For that matter, it was MLM that propelled both Herbalife International and, more recently, Equinox International to the top spot on the Inc. 500 list.