
Credit – Over the Limit

redit cards are wonderful tools, but they come with serious responsibilities. You should be using a credit card to your advantage - whether that means getting an interest-free loan every month by paying your balance off in full, or just the simple security and satisfaction that having extra buying power at your fingertips can bring.

Creating Customer Value In Your Proposals

Read any book on sales or proposal writing. Go on a sales training course. One of the first topics that will be covered is features, advantages and benefits. Ultimately, any proposal whether verbal or written down has to persuade someone to take an action and this is done by demonstrating the benefits of taking that course of action. In a smaller sale, especially with products it is often easy to list benefits, but with larger proposals you will have to search harder to un...

Corporate Social Responsibility:By Dr Shanker Adawal

Generating wealth in a manner that is socially and environmentally sustainable must be the common goal of domestic and international business. In this age of open world economy, brand reputation, repositioning of government activities and privatization, it is increasingly important to do business ethically, morally and with concern for the society. Business today are realizing that the world is not made up of strangers. There is bondage- human bondage.

Is It Possible To Make A Living From HYIPs?

This is probably one of the most asked questions we get. "Is it possible to Make a living off of HYIPs?" The answer to this question is both "Yes," and "NO". Let us explain. "YES" people can make a living off of HYIP investing. If they have the skill the drive, and the ability to recover from major losses. In theory, it is possible and often times probable to make a good living ($20,000-$50,000) per year in the HYIP arena. The problem is however, that in order to do this, ...