
How To Set Up Your Small Office Home Office And Save $1000s

When starting out in business there are great temptations to buy "the best of everything" and spend too much money in the process. This is one of the potentially devastating mistakes that new companies make and it can be a killer from the start. It is the intention of this article to help you avoid spending thousands of unnecessary dollars when setting up your Small Office Home Office (SOHO). It addresses your PC and the software that you buy for it. First off, think of...

Have You Thanked Your Competitors Lately?

Competition in the business world is often viewed as a negative thing, but it doesn't have to be. Competition can benefit you, your competitor, and especially your customer! Let's look at some of the ways in which competitors can help you: They prevent you from becoming lazy and overly comfortable in your business practices. It's easy to feel confident and relaxed in your business if you have a unique product that everyone wants. You don't feel any pressure to better yo...

Death Of A Salesman? It’s What Happens When The Customer Says “I’ll Think It Over!”

Michael Jordan said “Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it” You have given a great presentation, you ask for the order and the customer says he‘s going to think it over. This was the moment I felt was the last straw. I’d had it! I don’t want to sell anymore; I’m going back to bookkeeping! So, without a care in mind I said whatever came to mind and it worked! Let ...