
Convert leads into clients and boost your sales

A major part of keeping profitable and growing your business is maintaining a focus on business development. Even when you've got the right mix of work, clients and employees you should be looking for new sales leads. Establish a process that ensures your existing customers don't get neglected while you manage new business opportunities in a cost- and time-effective manner.

5 Tips To Successful Joint Ventures

When businesses think of team building, business owners usually associate it with building their company’s internal workforce into a lean-mean fighting machine. Team building, however, should be extended to include external relationships such as those with other businesses. Enter joint ventures or JVs for short.

Emerging Technologies In The Vending Machine Industry

Vending machine technology has gone through a lot of changes and improvement over time. Nowadays, people live in a fast paced world. Consumers are always in a hurry and have always wanted for a convenient access to the things they need. With this need comes the emergence of vending machines and these days, the vending industry is on of the fastest growing industries in the world.

Increased Consulting Fees Through Self-Confidence

Sometimes consultants and other service providers are hesitant to charge a fair rate for their services. Maybe they feel that the services they provide are so basic that you really can't justify charging much or anything for them. Perhaps they feel that they don't have the knowledge or experience that other consultants have. Thus, they hesitate to charge fair rates because of a lack of self-confidence. This is natural (especially for new consultants). However, what...