
Can A Reward Be A Sin?

To be motivational, reward and recognition must be appropriate in the eye of the receiver. Tickets for the big game are fine if you enjoy sport. If you don't enjoy sport but you would like the value of the tickets to spend on something else instead, your reward just turned into another task; selling the tickets. Although they may be easy to sell on to someone else, the motivational edge has been diminished slightly. The following is a bit like the health warning on a pack ...

What is Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization, SEO, is when a web site owner creates the content on his or her web pages to be more search engine friendly. By doing this the web site receive higher search engine rankings when people search for terms related to the site’s content. So what’s so important about search engine optimization.

Joint Ventures in Real Estate

Many real estate success stories happen in joint ventures. Joint ventures are two or more people partnering up to invest in properties. Joint ventures in real estate can offer you the ability to obtain properties you once thought were not in your budget. Joint ventures also give you many different investing view points from other investors.

Why Your Marketing Plan Should Include A Blog, Starting ASAP!

Blogging is a great way for a business to effectively market their product or service without spending a lot of money. There are many benefits of business blogging. Businesses that keep up with a blog can introduce their products or services to consumers and can better communicate their customers. In addition, businesses that blog can understand what their customers want and serve them better. A blog, sometimes called Weblog, is defined as a web page that serves as a journ...

Is An Event Over When It’s Finished?

As the last delegate left the conference, Quinne McLachlan sat down at her laptop and started to write a review of everything that had happened. She was the event organizer and all through the proceedings she had been taking scribbled notes about the main points of interest, delegate questions that had not been fully covered by presentation material and presenters who had been well-received or those who had courted controversy. She found that her role as coordinator throug...