
Choosing an Office Chair

Just like choosing an automobile that has adjustable seats so you can see over the steering wheel and drive safely, it important to "test drive" a new office chair before purchase so you can find one that adjusts properly for your body weight and dimensions. After all, you’re going to spend a lot of time sitting in that chair!

Greg Winteregg DDS – Adding an Associate to your Practice

When discussing associates, thirteen years in private practice and close to as many as a trainer/consultant have taught me one hardbound rule: there is definitely a right and wrong way to go about this associate business. Every week, I answer questions from colleges who feel that they need a dental associate in their office now or are entertaining the idea for the future.

Great Tips For Buying Cheap Magazine Subscriptions

When it comes to shopping everyone wants the most value for their money. The idea is to pay as little as possible and receive as much as possible in return. Smart shoppers know that cheap pricing does not always translate into the most value for your dollar. Something that seems like a phenomenal deal could turn out to be a nightmare. Buyers can find themselves saddled with products of inferior quality or poor customer service. Shoppers searching for cheap magazine subscri...

Family Reunion T-shirts

Family reunions can be some of the greatest times for any family. They bring together different generations and often people from all over the country. T-shirts for these occasions is one of the most lasting if not best memories. There are a few things that you should keep in mind when designing your family reunion t-shirt. You want them to be something that can be cherished and worn by everyone in the family.