
Retiring Vice Chairman Dominates Ford News

As of late, Ford news has surrounded the company announcement made earlier this year pertaining to the retirement of longtime Ford executive, Greg Smith. After starting out as an engineer with truck operations in 1973, Smith was atop Ford news as he moved up to Vice Chairman after more than 30 years with the company. Now, after 32 years of service, Smith has announced his retirement effective March 1, 2006.

Who Needs a Tourist Visa to enter Panama?

People with passports from the following countries do not need a visa to enter Panama: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay and the UK (except for persons who were born in Hong Kong, or if the UK passport was issued in Hong Kong).

Should The P&G Moms Disclose They’re “On The Take”?

When a friend or co-worker tells you about a product she likes, as women do, and you then bought it too, how would you feel if you found out afterwards that she'd been paid to tell you? Most private product talk among women is not commercial. Among men, either. Think TIVO, iPod, movies or restaurants - people refer those to each other because they love them, not because they get paid to do it. If they did get compensated somehow, and you found out later, would you be as...

What You Need To Know Before Hiring A Copywriter

The right copywriter can help you take your business to the next level. If you are putting together text based marketing material including a web site, a brochure, an advertisement, or a direct marketing appeal letter, a copywriter who knows the business of selling can really give you a leg up on the competition. However, working with a copywriter can do your business venture more harm than good if you make a hiring mistake and end up with the wrong writer for your purposes, ...

Your Marketing Efforts Sink, Swim Or Soar Depending On How Well You Satisfy The

A few years ago I created a to-do list for my business (different from my to-do list for clients). Nearly every day I would add something to the list. Soon, I had over five pages of things to do -- tasks I viewed as important enough to interrupt what I was doing so I could add them to my list. Before long, every time I opened the document I got depressed. I was always adding to the list, but almost never crossing anything off. Why? I discovered I had a number of well-...