
Human resource development job profile

Anyone who have been working and works in the department of human resources for any organization would definitely agree with me that this job is really colorful as it comes with both joys and sorrows. There are moments of both ups and downs and reaching peak moment of rewards and expectations and at the same time getting to see such tough and troubled waters time that it is enough to break the confidence of any human resource personnel.

How to develop concrete supervisory skills?

Any kind of career advancement would require an organization as well as an individual to master concrete and distinct supervisory skills. At times it becomes really important to shoulder more responsibilities. For this any group or dedicated team may think of hiring extra employees and there would be one such person present in the team who with his vision and supervisory skills is sure to guide the people working under his authority. These are actually building blocks and the steps to making a successful organization.

What To Put On Content Sites

I am constantly asked the following question: “What should I put on my content sites?” Of course they are asking about my traffic generation strategy where I recommend creating content sites and pushing the traffic to a product site. Here are some possibilities to put on your content site: 1. A Resource Directory Resource directories used to be a great form of content. Yahoo actually got it’s start as a resource directory. They are now the #2 most visited site ...

Where Is Your Phone Number?

There is probably a major problem lurking on your sales page right now. And it could be hurting your profits. Experts agree that one of the most important factors in a successful website is credibility. This frequently translates into the credibility of the site owner. People are more likely to buy from somebody they believe in. Is your website as credible as it could be? People judge credibility by many subtle factors. Does the design of the site look professiona...


This article deals with key decisions involved with starting a business and the advantages of having you own business. Furthermore it throws light on the various kinds of business structures and how a successful business plan should be laid out.

Strategic Project Management – A Competitive Advantage

Recently, a number of the world's leading project management organisations have taken major initiatives to enlighten executive management about the strategic importance and benefits of project management. The focus is to move from individual project management to organisational project management, which these organisations maintain is a strategic advantage in a competitive economy.

A good alternative to resume rabbit

There are quite a number of websites that would promise you all the benefits of submitting your resume over their website but ultimately you will find that you are not getting the exposure you actually demand. You are not even being called by well known companies and the job search results are proving to be quite futile for you since you are not getting the jobs that suit your qualifications perfectly. So in these cases how do you intend to help yourself? Will you sit idle and wait till you land up on the golden opportunity, or decide to shed off your passive gown and take up an active role? I think it is time that you change the resume submitting site.