
Smartest Way To Use A Tell A Friend Script

A tell a friend script is a form on a web page where you can fill in your name and e-mail address and the e-mail address to one or more of your friends. It will then send a message to your friends and tell them you recommend them to take a look at the site were you filled in the form. Since your friends know you, they will most likely go take a look. A tell a friend script can be a very powerful viral marketing method if you use it the smart way.

Network Marketing Training — Arm Your New Distributors for Success

Leaders help others. If you are going to be successful in network marketing, you must arm your new distributors against people who will try to convince them their business won't work. Show your downline you want them to be successful. Encourage them. Show them how the most successful network marketers have achieved their success, and teach them to model those attitudes, habits, and actions. Remind your distributors that they are the CEO of their lives. Arm them with the power of positive thinking so they don’t let others live their lives for them with their negative attitudes.

A Short Lesson on Real Estate

Where did the notion that men should buy houses for women come from? Some people say that this is based on our natural instinct. Like any other animal, parents want to protect their young for the continuation of the species. Anyway, asked that question because I wanted to know why business relating to real estate is suddenly making becoming popular. Before you had the buying and selling of properties. Now, with the widespread use of the Internet, we have real estate trading which is basically “I


The main highlight of this website is that it has free registration and referral commission. Squidoo is basically an old-tailored corporation, with investors and real employees.