
What Do You Ship In Shipping Containers?

Let us introduce shipping containers first. Shipping containers are standard sized boxes in which you ship merchandise. These are not small boxes for packing a pair of shoes. Standard shipping containers typically come in 8 feet by 8.5 (or 9.5) feet cross-sections, 20 or 40 or 45 feet long. So they compare best with log cabins than shoeboxes. (In fact, a popular use for empty shipping containers is to convert them into houses.)

Hold That Hold…Please!

It never fails. Whether ordering a pizza or making a doctor's appointment, I hear it almost every time. "Can I put you on hold?", they ask. Before I have a chance to even answer...I am on hold! What just happened? Was it a rhetorical question? Why even give me the option? Why not just say, "Welcome to XYZ, where we promptly put you on hold!".

The Human Side Of Ad Tracking

Do you know why people buy from you? What part of your offer put them over the edge? Let's face it, you worked for a long time on your sales copy. You created bonuses, designed a guarantee, sweated over the benefits and how to communicate them. But which of those factors really connect with the buyers? What actually motivated the purchase? If you knew, you could pump up the benefits and the parts of your offer that really drive sales. But how can you tell? Actually, ...

What is Loan?

A loan is a type of debt. All material things can be lent; this article, however, focuses exclusively on monetary loans. Like all debt instruments, a loan entails the redistribution of financial assets over time, between the lender and the borrower.

Questions about Online Surveys

Surveys have been around for as long as I can remember. It is most common in political polls, government, health, social science and marketing research. Surveys are used mainly to collect information about items in a population. Depending on its purpose, surveys focus on opinions or factual information.

What’s My Competitor Doing?

You won’t win every piece of work you pitch for; it’s just not possible…and very time you lose a contract it’s going to a competitor. However, you can help prevent this from happening by analysing the competition. Why analyse competition? How does this help? It allows you to understand why your competitor looked like a more appropriate fit for your perspective clients needs as well as what they are doing that you aren’t. To get contracts, you need to understand how you los...