
Creating Your Connections

Networking, for your home based business, is as much an attitude and a way of thinking as it is a skill. It is something that many people do naturally while others can find it quite daunting; but it can be learnt. When you acquire the mindset and master the skill of networking you will boost your personal productivity.

When Your Product Makes People Feel Great, You Make Money!

We've all heard about the importance of offering a product or service that is a good value. The better the value, the more sales you will make and the more money you will earn. Sometimes good value can be based on a low price, or finding an otherwise hard-to-find product or service. Good value can have more to do with customer service or service after the sale. But how about this one: the best value comes from a product or service that makes you FEEL good. Think about i...

Shine a Spotlight on Your Professional Service Firm

As a life-long dancer, I know a bit about the importance of good preparation before performance. Before a dancer is ready for the spotlight, she has to master the basics including alignment, strength, flexibility, balance, choreography, and artistry. The same is true for successful marketing. When you send a brochure, run an ad, promote a website, give a talk, or just tell someone what you do, you’re on stage. But if you’ve not mastered the basics, you will not engage your audience and you risk serious injury to yourself and to your firm.

Finding a job in human resource works

The phrase human resource is usually found to be used to explain or define the role of a person in an organization who actually briefly represents the work force of the company. Though the sphere of its operation and functionalities are just not limited to that but it also includes labor economics and economy and the functioning of an identity as big as a whole nation at times. It can also be defined as the operation and the normal functioning of individuals for the smooth running of the management.