
The JV Cassanova

Joint ventures are the key to financial happiness on the internet, and I do believe that they are related to dating - they follow the same structure. Now most people date a few people and then settle down with one person, or into bachelorhood where they "have to do everything all by themselves"; most people find the dating process extremely difficult and nerve racking. Which is why they'd rather sit at home, even if they really want to "meet someone special". Now ...

Publish Your Own Community Magazine

It is not surprising that for almost every subject or topic you can think of today, somewhere online you will be able to find a source of information to guide you. Think of a promising business opportunity and there is no doubt that someone will have already cornered the market somewhere. Coming up with an original idea, something a little different from the rest, is not easy, and if you do eventually make a start, the competition is guaranteed to be tough. So why no...

Home Office Furniture: Choosing The Right Computer Desk

Your home office should be planned carefully, as the right equipment and office furniture will not only save you time and effort, but money, too. Old or inconvenient office furniture results in a messy workspace, loss of productivity and can eventually lead to back or wrist pain. When you depend on yourself for your income, any time you are not working to your full productivity, you are losing money. That is why most business owners need to pay special attention to their comp...