
Facebook info

Facebook is a social networking utility that connects people together based on networks. Networks can be based on a wide variety of things and based on the information you provide in your user profile when you sign up for Facebook

Subchapter S Corporation Tax Status

Overview of the Subchapter S Corporation Designation Although the term Subchapter S Corporation sounds as if it applies to a certain type of company, in actuality, it is merely a term used by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) to designate a particular tax status. Almost any company that is comprised of 75 or less shareholders can apply for the Subchapter S Corporation tax status designation. Being approved for a Subchapter S Corporation status allows the company to be tax...

So What’s In It For ME?

Make sure that the words you use on your Web site are benefit-oriented rather than feature-oriented. Instead of telling your potential customers what your product can do (features), tell them what it can do for them (benefits). In other words, describe the product in terms of the result it offers rather than the product itself.

Social Networking – The Next Great Marketing Medium?

There has been a virtual explosion of social networking sites in the past couple of years. Even the big players like Google, Yahoo and MSN are getting into it. With so much interest in how social networks work, one begins to wonder if there is marketing potential within these social networks? I've been watching social networking for some time now. In fact I'm a member of various social networking sites including and just ...

About Those ID Cards

Cards are very popular and useful as far as identification and security is concerned. An ID card (identification card) is a piece of documentation that is designed and used to validate the identity of the person carrying it. With an ID card, the bearer is recognized in all the financial and administrative sectors. It is also a document of authentication that lets him or her to be protected by the law of the state. You must have seen library cards and authorizing bank trans...