
Job Openings – Tips on Finding Job Openings Near You

These are tough times and almost every fresh, young graduate is out there looking for job openings. In fact, people are so desperate these days that they even settle for part time job openings. The global economic crisis has led to every major company cutting costs by downsizing and that means trouble - not only for graduates but also for experienced veterans.

Split Testing Sucks And Other Heresies

Split testing is what marketing is all about; right? Wrong! There is a much better way to get the answer to 95% of the kinds of questions you might consider split testing. Let’s step through it. First of all, you must decide your desired outcome. Is it profitability? Is it search engine ranking? Is it more traffic? Is it more inbound links? Once you have decided your desired outcome, you must find a way that OTHER PEOPLE’S sites can be measured for that outcome. That...