
Defining MLM

As the name suggests, MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing), basically involves selling a company’s product directly to the customer by way of networking. Traditional retail selling is left to the brick and mortor businesses.

A Look at Store Fixture Parts

Products for sale need to be displayed in a manner which best presents them in the customers’ eyes. For example, clothing needs to be folded on shelves, hung from racks or displayed on mannequins. Books need to be displayed in shelves, spinning racks and organized bins. Videos need shelving and racks to properly display titles. All products lend themselves to some form of acceptable display. Even if you are an innovative decorator and you want your display to be revolutionary, you’ll still need some variation on the display techniques that are already being used to distinguish your product from all the others.

Social Bookmarking – The Ultimate Viral Marketing

Social Bookmarking could be one of the best things that ever happened to websites and blogs. Basically Social Bookmarketing sites allow users to create a set of content bookmarks. These bookmarks are organized by tags, which are (usually) arbitrary words or phrases the user can assign to content. This gives the user a way to classify, rank and organize content using tags. The most popular Social Bookmarking Site is del.ici.ous, which has millions of users. Social Bookma...

Switching To Day-Time Cleaning

All the talk in the cleaning press at the moment and over the past few months has been about the move to cleaning offices during normal working hours. Machine manufacturers are coming up with quiet vacuum cleaners, scrubber driers and buffing machines all of which supposedly allow you to carry out the cleaning without disturbing the occupants of the premises. For cleaning companies this would make life a lot more pleasant and cleans easier and cheaper to manage and the cle...

A Simple Sales Strategy: Define What Selling Is!

How do you define selling? A lot of people think of selling as persuading/convincing people to buy things they may or may not want or need. To some, selling is all about closing a deal. Thinking of selling like this is not very empowering to you. Frankly, if you have this perspective on selling, it's no wonder if you hate it. I would too! So what perspective can you take about selling that will make it enjoyable, exciting and something you look forward to? Sounds like a bi...