Monthly Archives: January 2010

Figure Them Out

Brochures have been around for quite sometime and they have been efficient in promoting a product. They help improve your business visibility in the community.

Advertising Jobs – Tips on Working in Advertising

While applying for advertising jobs, you need to follow a process for getting the best possible results. The ad world is competitive and companies are increasingly looking for best talents who can hit the ground running. Jobs are hard to come by these days and the recession has more or less ensured that unless you are a top drawer performer, you may be shown the door at the earliest opportunity.

Finding Offshore Customers for a Call Center Startup

Finding offshore customers for a call center startup is a difficult proposition. The real challenge, however, comes afterwards - delivering and meeting the expectations of those customers! First things first though - how to go about finding your initial customers? The first question that you need to ask yourself is why some organization should outsource work to you?