Monthly Archives: January 2010

Managing Employees Is A Little Like Herding Cats

Q: I started my small business about a year ago and it's grown steadily. I like having my own business, but I'm having a tough time managing people. I have 5 employees now and it seems like I spend half my time making sure they are doing what they're supposed to be doing and the other half of my time doing things they didn't get done. Things were much easier when I was a one man shop. Any suggestions? -- Paul C. A: Ah, Paul, welcome to the wonderful world of employee man...

Top 2008 Moms Home Based Business

Many women are turning away from the typical 9-5 day job and looking to create their own Home Based Business. Why is that? Well, I think that one major reason is the Internet. The Internet and its immediate access to millions of people have leveled the playing field. Everyone has an equal chance at improving his or her lifestyle.

The Meeting Planner’s Online Advantage: 6 Ways To Reduce 55% Of Your Daily Workload

Here are 6 things you can accomplish TODAY by switching to a fully-automated registration system: 1. Stop shuffling data. If you use Excel spreadsheets and/or Access databases to organize your data, then you have the ongoing task of transferring and compiling data to get the totals you need for your event. Eliminate these ongoing hassles by using a computerized system that automatically compiles and tallies all of your data for you... in real-time. 2. Eliminate man...

Executive Team Building

Description: Executive team building can be effective by utilizing conflict management, critical thinking and problem solving skills. In so doing, problem areas will be improved and the team will be revitalized and motivated towards success.

Data Mining And Modelling

The important processes that have to be clearly delineated for Data Mining, Analysis and Modelling are: Data model: what data will be available and how will it flow? Data gathering: how will data be gathered both in physical and technological terms? Data gathered: what data will be gathered? Data types: what types of data will be gathered? Data formatting: how will data be held? Data warehousing: where will data be held? Data mining: how will we retrieve data from th...

What Are the Accounting Tools of the Trade?

Accounting is a necessary part of every company and must be handled with care and precision. Small or large, every company has to maintain its market and accounts. There are several tasks involved in the process of maintaining accounts and should not be misinterpreted as simple and easy. In fact, it is a tedious affair, which is required by law and fast, and the perfect solutions for all types of accounting needs are the need for the hour. Today, many accounting software like Quick Books, is available on the market that proves to be efficient and reliable.