Monthly Archives: January 2010

Poor Advertising of a Good Product

Why do they create a bad advertising for this fine quality product? It is still a mystery that to me. But we will attempt to figure out why it happens. First of all let’s define what we mean under bad advertising. It is an advertising that has not worked. That is it. The aim of the advertising might be…

Tips on Finding Texas HR Jobs

In recent times, Texas HR jobs have become some of the most sought after jobs of the country. If you are an HR graduate and stay in Texas or plan to settle in this state, then you might want to know the job opportunities available here. There is a lot of scope for HR work in Texas. But before we talk of that, we need to know a little about the state.

The Importance Of Having Your Own Website

I joined an affiliate program and they gave me 3 free websites. Why do I need to have my own website? There are so many people out there on the Internet who want to run a successful home business. They decide to join an affiliate program that offers them the possibility of making huge bucks. Then they realise they aren’t making any money. Then they realise they have to advertise to actually get any visitors to their sites let alone actual customers.

100K Income Jobs – How to be Successful and Prosper at Work

The increasing inflation of the world market has almost made it mandatory for every individual to have a 100K plus income. If you want to lead a happy life in comfort you will need to have a steady flow of cash and that too in a good amount. It is no more just the passion that will lead you to 100K income jobs rather the need of time. You can hardly lead a decent life with anything sort of this amount. Now earning this might not be the easiest thing on the planet but it definitely is very much doable.

Top 10 HR Jobs DC Offers

Are you looking for HR jobs at DC? It becomes easier if you have an outline of what kind of HR jobs you can find in the state especially if you plan to settle there. But before you find out the popular HR jobs in this area, it will be in our interest to know a little about the state.

Print: The Death Of A Media – The End Of An Era

Included in the steps of accepting death are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and ultimately, acceptance. Though these emotional responses were not intended for this purpose, clearly, many people are in denial about the slow, painful passing of print media. Right now, as print media is in its death throes, there is a lot of denial. There is also a lot of anger and depression, but that largely emanates from the owners and shareholders of print publications, including ...