Monthly Archives: March 2010

Ways to Go Green at the Office

When the world is waking up to environmental issues, no one should be left behind in this movement. The revolution to go green, that is gaining momentum in the recent times beckons all and sundry. Only with each and every one’s contribution can this planet be saved. And best for each of us is to start with the places where we spent most of our days at- home and office.

2413- Marketing Fashion Jobs

If you think that you are a fashionista by your own style and you find it easy to set trends rather than follow them blindly, this could just be the job for you. In essence, all you have to do is market fashion in a package that is attractive and enticing and can draw in consumers. Marketing fashion jobs are easy to do for all they demand is an inherent knack for identifying popular tastes. Once you are blessed with this talent, you can simply combine your intuition about people’s preferences with a commercial way of thinking and voila you will have landed yourself in marketing fashion work in no time!

Advertising Sales Director

An Advertising Sales Director develops, decides, implements, regulates and manages the advertising strategy of a company, both from the business and sales point of view. Is is the job of an advertising sales director to make future projections, forecasts and budgets for advertising related to sales. Advertising directors often work in harmony with marketing and public relations department. They develop and manage various strategies relating to the promotion and advertising of a product or service.