Yearly Archives: 2010

Lawyers and Jobs in the Government Have a Fleeting Relationship

It's no big secret, but lawyers' jobs in the government seem to be under scanner currently by David Kotz, the inspector general of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Apparently, Kotz has stumbled upon the big secret known to the lawyers' employment market for centuries: people in government lawyers' jobs leave to join private practice and consequently difficulties arise in impartial execution of due processes of law. Kotz is reported to have brought the matter to the notice of Sen. Charles Grassley, who is on the Senate Finance Committee.

What’s the Recession? Where’s the Recession?

If you go through industry reports thoroughly there are certain things in the current recession that do not match up. While joblessness continues to grow and the earning situation of the average American employee remains unstable, certain businesses continue to show record profits across sectors throughout the recession. While the reasons may vary in each case, there is no doubt that in every sector of the market, competent and powerful organizations show no sign of being affected by the recession.