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SicolaMartin Becomes Part of New Global Technology Marketing Agency

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An advertising firm in Austin, SicolaMartin, will become a part of the new global technology marketing agency, Tech.YR. This agency will be focusing primarily on technology along with telecommunication clients. The agency is currently being assembled and put together, according to

SicolaMartin is one of the leading agencies for Tech.YR as well as the Y&R Business Communications Geneva. The CEO for SicolaMartin, Cherie Cox, is excited and says that she will be serving as a partner for the new practice. Many other Y&R companies that are scattered across the world, in areas such as Brazil and Beijing, will also be working with this new agency.

Y&R’s global CEO, David Sable, says, “Tech.YR allows any client with a technological, telecom or otherwise complex offering a unique and proven global network. We are offering them a global partner who understands how to turn complexities into compelling marketing.”

Each agency gets to maintain their independency but by working together, they will appeal to many more tech companies, even those who are often complex. Cherie Cox has said, “I think that Y&R saw a market opportunity and also realized that they have the talent globally to take advantage of that market opportunity.” She also says, “The (new) practice brings those best-of-breed agencies together to really get a step ahead of the trend.”

Cox says that SicolaMartin has an extensive history of focusing on technology and business clients for the past two decades which made the agency a perfect match for the Tech.YR agency. Cox believes this was a great move for SicolaMartin and says, “I think (the new agency) strengthens our reputation (in Austin) as a leading marketplace when it comes to technology innovation and employing key talent as well.” “Technology is becoming a key component in almost all products that are being developed … and it’s the future across all industries on a global scale.”

SicolaMartin will not be ditching any of their existing clients. In fact, they will continue to work with the clients that they have already been working with. However, from this point on, they have a new strategy which is to focus primarily on working with technology clients, especially those who often have complex challenges and struggles, especially when it comes to marketing.

SicolaMartin has employed over 4 0different employees and plans to grow and expand in the future. As the practice begins to grow and with new clients that the firm will be working with, the plan is to eventually hire and recruit eligible clients to work alongside of the existing employees who are already working for SicolaMartin. Cox has high hopes for growing and expanding the firm and says, “That is the plan, to grow.”

SicolaMartin Becomes Part of New Global Technology Marketing Agency by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes