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Distasteful Attack Ads in Iowa

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The Supreme Court made the decision that an unlimited amount of money could be spent on advertisement by various politicians. Unfortunately, a lot of these politicians are wasting the money to attack other politicians who they are running up against, according to The Guardian.

In Iowa, many effects of the unlimited political advertising have been seen. Many of the candidates who are running against one another for the GOP spot are creating negative advertisements against one another, wasting millions on distasteful attacks that are filling the airwaves of people in areas all over the United States, especially in Iowa.

If you live in Davenport or even in Cedar Rapids and you turn on your television, it is impossible to miss such gloomy advertisements that have been made by these political candidates against one another. It is actually quite disturbing to see how badly they attack one another. In fact, the advertisements no longer end the way the used to, with the approval message from the particular candidate.

There is a relationship between candidates and super pacs which allows the super pacs to attack other political candidates without blaming the particular politician in the commercial for the attack. It is definitely sneaky advertisement that keeps the candidates hands clean but still causes a controversy and has definitely been created with bad taste.

Ron Paul, one of the candidates known for spending a lot of money on his advertising, has not had many worries. He has supported some advertisements that were aimed in a negative manner against Romney and Gingrich. It is believed that Ron Paul is working on a $10 million advertisement blitz in both Iowa and New Hampshire during some of the last days of the political election.

The super pacs have worked with two of the political candidate’s campaigns, Rick Perry and Romney. Both of them have spent over $4 million on advertisements made for television in the state of Iowa alone and only for the month of December. Aside from the $4 million spent on television advertisements in Iowa for the month of December, $8 million will likely be spent during this month by all of the campaigns.

There are some advertisements that have been positive but the truth is, a lot of these advertisements are quite negative, especially as the political race continues to become more heated. Advertisements that are supposed to talk more about political candidates and what they can do for you are now focused more on talking badly about the other candidates. You can even watch some of the advertisements on television and see how many of these political candidates are easily putting one another down especially as the race continues to get heated as January is approaching.

Distasteful Attack Ads in Iowa by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes