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Self Improvement: Staying sane in periods of unemployment

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1. Keep up with the news. Keeping abreast of current events, local, and national news is necessary for many reasons. Those who are unemployed will want to keep up with changes in unemployment, jobless rates, and new companies that are hiring. Keeping up with the news in general also makes you a more valued and worldly employee.

2. Keep up your fitness routine. If you have an exercise routine it is best to stick with it even if you don’t feel like it or feel depressed because of a job loss. Exercise can help in treating depression and also help ease symptoms of worry. Talk long walks or go to your local gym to workout excess stress. You can also sign up for free gym passes to try out a gym out before you join. Bring a friend with you to make the experience even more enjoyable.

3. Fun. Remember to take time out for fun. All work and no play can make for a dull person. Even if finances are tight remember to do something nice for yourself that does not cost a lot of money. It’s often the little things that matter when you are down financially or emotionally. They make a difference more than you know.

4. Talk it out. Talk to friends and family about your employment woes. They have most likely been in your situation at one time or another themselves. If you have no one who you trust to talk to about personal issues you may want to seek out free counseling to help you cope with this very difficult situation.

5. Stay positive. Try to stay optimistic. The worst thing you can do in periods of unemployment is to sink into depression or let anxiety get the best of you. Realize that periods of unemployment are usually only temporary and that the hard times you are going through will pass.

Periods of job loss are one of the most difficult times a person can go through. If you or someone you know is unemployed put yourself in their place and ask if there is anything you can possibly do to help them. They probably feel bad about being unemployed and their self-esteem is probably very low – do something nice for them. They will appreciate you for caring and realizing that their struggles are real. To find out more on the subject of unemployment and how to cope with it go to

This article was originally published in Hound. Hound shows its members jobs from each and every employer website in the world. It is the most powerful job-search engine in existence and powers several job boards. To read more such informative career- related articles, please visit Hound.
Self Improvement: Staying sane in periods of unemployment by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes