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Obstacles for E-Publishing and Advertisements

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As a person who owns a tablet, you may have read some of your most favorite magazines on your tablet and have noticed that it is a far different experience than simply reading a magazine in print or online. The text is readable, the images are clear, and it feels a lot like you are actually reading a paper magazine except you are really not. This is probably just one of the many reasons more people are purchasing tablets to read content, including books, articles, and magazines.

Advertisements on the tablet can also provide a better experience to those who use tablet for reading magazines and books. These advertisements are larger, more compelling, and simply engage the reader instead of annoying them.

However, the advertisements need to be effective, especially on tablets which are expected to surpass the sale of laptops within the next three years. When it comes to e-publishing, there are some obstacles that the different companies will need to overcome to provide the best possible experience for the consumers.

For starters, the industry will need to figure out a set file format. Amazon and Apple, two separate companies that both produce e-readers and an assortment of other tablets, are using their own preferred system for file format. However, if the entire industry could agree on one standardized format, the industry would reach its highest potential.

The advertising will also need to be built within the format. The format that these publishers choose should include technology that allows the placements of advertisements to be done in an efficient manner. The distribution need to be more affordable become publishers will consistently resist unless the prices actually come down. However, distributors will not bring down the prices unless it is beneficial for them in some way.

The E-Publication prices need to come down as well. A recent study showed that students who used e-textbooks instead of actual printed textbooks only managed to save about a dollar. It is truly out of this world that the savings would only be one single dollar. If the publishers want to save money, the consumers need to be able to save money as well.

There are several ways to increase the amount of revenue the publishers earn, which includes letting the consumer buy different products or more electronic content and even the possibility of certain enhancements. Users of these products could decide whether or not they want to buy certain types of premium content, including videos and games. This would help publishers limit the cost for the consumers while still boosting revenue.

Publishers also need to ensure that they develop content that will draw the attention of the readers and keep them engaged in the content. There should be plenty available widgets, which would include animations, images, and videos as well.

Obstacles for E-Publishing and Advertisements by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes