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New Employment Site for Finding Talent and Lowering Jobless Rate

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In the United States, it seems as though employment rates are simply not picking up as well as people were hoping. After the recession, which took place in 2007 and ended in 2009, millions of people were still left without jobs, unemployed and actively pursuing job leads. Yet still, the jobless rate in the United States is ultimately, on average, much higher than it was pre-recession. In the United States, it is the state of Arizona that has some of the highest unemployment rates, along with a low number of job growths for the state as a whole. The job growth in the area seems to be moving at such a slow pace, people are having a hard time dealing with it.

Because of the lack of a website that would be affordable for all and offer employment opportunities to those in search of work, Local Work was established. This website is part of Local Work Marketing, which is run by Ryan Naylor, the CEO and owner of the company. Naylor has plenty of experience, because of his position, with a lot of the different businesses in the area. And, because of this, he was able to create a concept that would help the people of Arizona find the employment that they have been seeking for such a long period of time. And, after these goals are achieved, Naylor has plans to help other areas of the country, in which the jobless rates are exceptionally high.

Recent statistics were released by the United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics, which reported that even though the number of jobless individuals in the United States is lower than they were during the same month, a year prior, there are still plenty of areas in the United States that are struggling with very high jobless rates. Some of these areas actually have a jobless rate of about 15.0 percent. During the month of November, the unemployment rate was at 8.2 percent, which was a slight decrease from the 9.3 percent jobless rate during November of the previous year.

Ryan Naylor, the CEO and President of, believes that the country is having a hard time getting the people of the United States back to work. He believes that communities should be hiring local talent as a way of employing more people locally and keeping money in each individual state. He is focused primarily on creating local jobs and lowering the unemployment rate for the state of Arizona. He says that he understands how frustrated many job seekers may be, especially when it can be so hard to find employment at this period in time. However, this was the primary reason for creating, as a way of providing the unemployed individuals with the guidance and support they need to help the economy and the employment rate in Arizona.

Naylor says that he has many plans for the website, in which the ultimate goal is to put the people of Arizona back to work.

New Employment Site for Finding Talent and Lowering Jobless Rate by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes