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Advertisements on Amazon Kindle

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The Kindle Fire is known for being one of the best products on And, this should come to no surprise, as the Amazon advertisement sales team is treating the product as if it is the big winner, which it actually is. Amazon has started to pitch advertisements that would be displayed on the welcome screen of the Amazon Kindle. Of course, any company that wants to advertise on this popular e-reader will have to spend some big-time bucks. Any particular advertising package would cost the advertising agency around $600,000 but it could be worth it in the long run.

The advertisements would run for approximately two months and would also be part of the Special Offers sections of Amazon. Advertising agencies that are willing to spend a bit more, $1 million worth of advertising would be able to get a lot more inventories for the Kindle. A spokesperson for Amazon did not comment about the possibility of advertising and the costs that the advertising agencies will be forced to pay if they want their advertisements featured along this e-reader product. As of right now, it is not known whether the advertisements will be displayed on the Kindle Fire, which is the best seller of all Kindles, or if it would be on a future device, an updated and upgraded device. It is believed that it is quite possible that the advertisements would be displayed on the newer Kindle Fire, which is to be released during the month of July.

Things are still unclear, which is why many agency executives have chosen not to participate just yet. They are waiting to hear more from Amazon to find out how this whole thing will work. As of right now, Amazon has not guaranteed the amount of devices that these advertisements on the welcome screens would actually reach and Amazon still does not know whether they want the advertisements to be displayed on new devices or on devices that have been bought by consumers already. For many, it is too expensive to put out the money without having finalized details and a guaranteed audience, knowing that a certain amount of people would, in fact, see these advertisements. Execs also worry if consumers will be upset, especially if they have already bought the device and then out of nowhere, advertisements begin being displayed on the welcome screen. It could cause the consumer experience to be more negative, which would make it worse for the company that is being advertised for on the welcome screen. There is going to have to be some sort of set value for everything.

Along with the possibility of advertisements being featured on the welcome screen of different Kindle Products, Amazon continues to work on getting more involved with digital advertising, especially since it has become increasing popular over the past few years and it seems that revenue from this form of advertising will only continue to expand.

Advertisements on Amazon Kindle by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes