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Campaigns Targeting Voters

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Individuals who plan on voting during this year’s election and click on the President Barack Obama website will most likely begin to see advertisements for his re-election on the side of their Facebook pages, along with other different websites that they view throughout the day. And, in the meantime, voters who use the popular search engine website, Google, to find out more information about Mitt Romney, will likely begin seeing advertisements in favor of the Republican candidate versus the Democrat candidate, President Barack Obama. It is believed that the election of 2012 could be influenced a lot on the Internet date of voters, which is generally being exploited.

Both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama are spending tons of dollars on advertisements that are to be displayed in traditional methods, which include television advertisements, as a way of spreading the word on what they plan to do and what they believe in. However, strategists are currently saying that there has been a breakthrough when it comes to elections and that is using online data as a way of persuading supporters to actually vote for the candidate that they are in favor of. This particular practice is referred to as microtargeting and is often used to target consumers when advertising or specific products. However, it can now be used politically as well and there is a huge chance that it will have quite an impact on the presidential elections of 2012.

The president of AdRoll, Adam Berke, says that both sides of the campaign are going to be using this data as a way of personalizing their marketing. The thing about this form of marketing is that it can easily be measured, which generally makes it easy or data to be collected and that is the best way to see what is working and what is not working. For years, campaigns have been using different methods of targeting voters, specifically based on their demographics, the type of television habits they have, and the zip codes in which they live. But with these new tools, it will now be easier for voters to be targeted by campaigns. Neither of the presidential campaigns is discussing much about the digital strategy that they have but both of them are putting a lot of money into it. During the month of April alone, the Romney Team had already spent $1 million on it while Obama has spent around $300,000.

Both of the different campaigns have been working on the digital aspect of their campaigns but it seems that Obama’s team has a better edge, as there is many more staff members who are assisting with this form of development in which voters can be targeted based on the types of habits they display on the Internet.

Campaigns Targeting Voters by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes