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Obama Spending Close to Double Amount Spent in ‘08

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The campaign for President Obama has spent a total of $300 million on television advertisements alone. The information on the spending was made available from new figures that were recently released by sources that were keeping a careful eye on the advertisement market and the amount of money being spent by campaigns. With this much money being spent on campaigns during this election season, Obama will nearly double the record he had set in 2008 on the amount of money spent on advertisements during an election season.

When combined together with one another, Obama and his Republican competition, Mitt Romney, along with numerous outside groups supporting one or the other, have spent a total of $759 million on television and radio advertisements as a way to spread their message to a small percentage of voters, particularly those who are still not decided as to who they will vote for even though there are only a few more weeks before Election Day. During the week of October 2nd through October 8th, both sides spent a total of $59 million on advertisements, which is a lot for just one week. However, because Election Day is steadily approaching, both sides are trying to get as many voters as they possibly can in hopes of winning.

In the meantime, the amount of money Obama is spending is actually outpacing the amount of money Romney is spending on his campaign. During this week, Obama is planning to spend a total of $20 million on television advertisements, much of which will be featured in the states of Florida, Ohio, and Virginia. Back in 2008, Obama spent around $230 million on television advertisements and if he continues to spend $20 million each week until Election Day approaches, he could end up with a tab of around $400 million spent on television advertisements alone. Romney will be spending $16 million this week, much of which is being spent in Virginia and Ohio. Romney is spending more money than Obama in certain states, which includes the states of Iowa, Wisconsin and North Carolina too.

In total, Romney’s campaign has spent around $396 million on television advertisements ever since the election first started. Certain voters, specifically those living in the states of Florida, Virginia, and Ohio, are seeing the most political advertisements on television as this is where the vast majority of money was spent in an effort to try to swing voters, especially those voters who were still undecided as to who they would vote for on this upcoming Election Day.

Obama Spending Close to Double Amount Spent in ‘08 by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes