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Interviewing Successfully

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Unlike a social introduction however, here the atmosphere is not relaxed. Instead, you have to be sure you are at your best. Remember, there are no second chances.

Complete your Homework: Nothing is worse than not knowing the details in your own subject or field of work. If you have been called for an interview, it is assumed that you know fulfill requirements of the job to some extent. You should be aware of your own areas of expertise. Nothing is worse than not knowing the right answers to even basic questions in your subject of qualification.

Ask Relevant Questions: If during the course of the interview, something appears unclear to you, be sure to seek clarification. If you do not understand a particular question, be sure to ask for a clarification. Do not give just about any answer in an attempt to be seen as a person who knows all. Instead, accept that you may be confused and need further clarifications.

Outward Appearance: You need to convey that you are a capable and enthusiastic individual. Your outfit should reflect neatness and an eye for detail. Unless you are applying for abstract art positions, pajamas or torn jeans should be out. Keep a sharp eye for missing buttons or hooks. For men, the tie knot should be in the center; watch out for knots leaning to left or right.

Convey the Truth: When asked to speak, maintain eye contact and talk directly to the person talking to you, unless you need to look at everyone in a general manner. Reserve humorous anecdotes and jokes for another time; if you are not aware of the relevant answer, you can excuse yourself by telling the interviewer truthfully that you do not know the answer.

Convey Confidence: If you are in the habit of chewing your nails or looping a lock of your hair distractedly or pulling at your collar each time you feel nervous, stop. Such actions could indicate – even wrongly – that you are unable to handle problems. If you begin to feel nervous, sit back, take a deep breath and try to relax. If required, keep your hands in your lap and look at them steadily. This can also calm you down.

Remember interviewers are not demons. Most interviewers also recognize the fact that you are likely to be nervous and unsure of yourself. They are as human as you are and want the position to be filled by an accomplished professional as well.

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Interviewing Successfully by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes