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Use the ‘Job Search Tips’ Category on Granted to Find a Job

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Finding a new job is not as difficult as many make it out to be, especially if you know exactly where to look and how to create a dynamite application. One of the most popular job sites today is that of Granted. It is 100 percent free of charge to use, no matter how many jobs you apply for or wish to view.

An excellent feature on the website is the category called “Job Search Tips.” It can be found at the bottom of the homepage. When you load the page you will find advice on three different ways to use the site. Those three tips include browsing for jobs, how to use the job search box, and how to use abbreviations, firm names, and job titles.

There are two links posted within the first section of advice, which deals with browsing for jobs. Those links take you to the advanced job search section and the browse jobs section. With the advanced search on Granted you will be able to use specific words and phrases to tailor your job search.

Make sure you bookmark Granted on your browser so it is easily accessible each time you need to browse available positions in your city, county, or state.

Where can you find the most jobs? Click here.

Use the 'Job Search Tips' Category on Granted to Find a Job by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes