Yearly Archives: 2014

Careers In Finance

The finance industry is concerned with how individuals and institutions handle their financial resources - how they raise their money, where they allocate it and how they use it - and assesses the risks involved in these activities as well as recommends ways to manage these risks.

What Not To Do With Your Business Cards!

Different from most of our articles telling you what to do with your business cards, in this article we will discuss the business card No-No's: Things to avoid doing with your business cards: - Do not use 'free business cards'. There are a few companies around offering FREE business cards (by putting their logo on the back of your card). This is a priceless way for them to promote their company through you and your new business cards. Unfortunately there are very little...

Resume Submission Service – Tips on Submitting Your Resume Online

Day by day the job scenario is growing more complicated. It is almost like a war now! Competition has increased not only locally but globally as well. People and eligible candidates from around the world vie for a single job opening. To tackle this, proper submission of resume is required much before you even sit for the interview or technical sessions. Internet may have made things easier but it has also made things more difficult too. For instance, if you’ve copied someone else’s format, your employers will get to know of it immediately and effortlessly just with a single search! So here are some top tips for submitting your resume online and getting a response!