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Clean Your Room

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I was visiting my brother at his house yesterday, and when I walked in, I was immediately in awe. No, he didn’t have a golden swan, or an ice sculpture of a large rodent; however, there may have been a real rodent living beneath one of the couches in his living room!

I took one fraction of a glance at that place, and I immediately started wishing my way out. I felt consumed by the filth. The carpet was stained beyond belief, there was trash all over the coffee table, the T.V. wore a thick (yes thick, not thin) layer of dust like it was a fur coat…

It was too much for any human being to be comfortable in. I asked my brother how he did it. He shrugged as though I were neurotic.

Keep in mind that my brother is a pretty smart guy. He’s got a great job at a great company and he’s extremely entrepreneurial. I just couldn’t understand how somebody with as much going for him professionally, could live in a disaster zone.

I soon found out.

He called me over into his room to show me the new website he was producing and when I crossed the threshold into his room, it was like stepping into another dimension. A cleaner, more organized dimension.

My brother kept his room almost immaculate. It was nothing like the scary living room or the horrifying bathroom. It was a calm, clean area. I could think clearly, and didn’t feel like bugs were crawling up my skin.

A turnaround forumula is the formula that will allow you to change your life. My mentor, Harrison Barnes, gave a Webinar yesterday about a turnaround formula that works 100% of the time. The key to this forumula, Barnes says, is to simply focus on one thing at a time. Put all your energy into something, anything, it can be as big as finding a career, or as small as cleaning your room.

A clean living space will make your morning smoother and your evening more comfortable. It is easy to avoid a dirty apartment, but it is also easy to take control of such a situation. Take control and give your room a deep cleaning. It will offer you peace of mind and provide you a clean slate (pun intended) with which to get yourself moving in a positive direction.

So get out the vacuum and throw away the burger you left sitting on your desk last week. A clean room is a sign of a clear mind. You deserve it.

Clean Your Room by
Authored by: Todd