Yearly Archives: 2014

Posting a Resume – Myths about Posting Your Resume Online

One might have expected that with the advent of the internet, things such as online job posting and posting a CV have become simpler and prospects of bagging a job must have increased. But contrary to the popular perception, increasing competition and globalization has made things even more difficult. True, job searches have become faster and easier, but that is it. Online resume posting does not guarantee you an employment!

100K Careers – Top 10 100K Career Opportunities

100 K career opportunities exist these days and all you need to do is to look them up at the right place. The internet is the best place for those wanting to embark on high paying careers as there are several top drawer hiring agencies that are looking for people like you. You can choose from the top 10 100 K career opportunities that are available online to make headway into a high paying job in these tough economic times.

A New Way To Make Money Online

You have seen on email like this email before with a list of 5 to 10 people on a list and you are to pay the paypal Email's $1 the bump the top one off and add your name to the bottom of the list. If you think about it it sounds like a great idea. but there is one problem not everyone is honest they just add their name to the list or even put it at the top and send it off in hopes it will bring in some money. THAT HAS NOW CHANGED WITH MYMONEYLISTS.COM

What Does Your Website Say About Your Business?

Q: My business is very small, just me and two employees, and our product really can't be sold online. Do I really need a website? -- Robin C. A: Congratulations, Robin, you are the one millionth person to ask me that question. Smile for the cameras, brush the streamers and confetti from your hair and listen closely, because I'm about to answer for the millionth time what has become one of the most important and often-asked questions of the digital business age. Before...

Wholesale Tea: A Market of Possibilities

As the business world grows, the physical globe shrinks as products from all nations become business opportunities for companies of all sizes. A wide variety of items are available and relatively simple to acquire as the internet provides a gateway to export companies from all nations. With the rise in the accessibility of “foreign” countries, one seemingly small item has now exploded onto the market; Wholesale Tea.