Yearly Archives: 2014

10 Career Change Myths

If you dream about having a different career, but don't act on that dream, you may be operating under the assumption of a career myth. In this article, I expose 10 myths, sayings you've heard before that simply are not true. Let's explore them.

Choosing A Valuable Home Based Business

For someone thinking about a home based business, there are numerous concerns to deal with. Perhaps the most pertinent one, and the one that should be asked first, is what type of home business to choose. Obviously, the benefits to working at home are having a flexible schedule and making money for yourself – maybe even becoming a multi-millionaire on your own! But which business venue will get you there? Here are some tips for choosing a profitable home based business. ...

Customer Service Jobs – How to Succeed in Customer Service

Customer service jobs, receptionist jobs or even call center jobs are often not given their due importance. This is quite unfortunate because, customer service jobs are the lifeblood of any corporation or concern. If you don't tend to customers and take their feedback seriously, then you lose them! It's as simple as that and who will help you obtain the valuable feedback from customers? A customer relationship-service representative.