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Be More Productive in 7 Days

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Summary: A productive lifestyle includes making realistic monthly and weekly goals with daily to-do lists to keep you on track to completing those goals.

Productivity isn’t just a work quality. Our daily lives need to be productive so that we can achieve the things we are striving for. Write down a monthly goal and a weekly goal to help you work towards your monthly goal. Create a to-do list for each day.

Day 1 – Tackle the toughest item on your to-do list first thing in the morning. Look at your goals and determine if what you are doing today is helping you work towards a better tomorrow.

Day 2 – Change your attitude about everything. When you have a good attitude towards a situation and people, both will turn out to be better than you expect. This new attitude will change your life. Find a quiet place where you can relax for 5 minutes in peace.

Day 3 – Rewrite or edit your goals daily if you need to but do not completely change them. Embrace the goals you set for yourself all the time but understand that your goals may not be perfect the first time you write them. Your daily to-do list will help you stay organized and make work easier.

Read “5 Tips to Keep Your Inbox Under Control” to learn how the busiest people stay organized.

Day 4 – Keep going even when you want to quit. When you quit before the end, you will punish yourself for giving up. Pushing yourself and making it to the end will prove to yourself that you can accomplish what you set out to do.

Day 5 – Be okay with letting things go. There are always circumstances that can prevent us for being successful at that moment. Try again another time and don’t beat yourself up over it.

Day 6- Surround yourself with people that have similar interests and goals as yourself. Join organizations that will help you reach out to these kinds of people.

Day 7- Be proud that you have made it through your first week of creating a habit of productivity. It generally takes 21 days to form a long-lasting habit. Look back at your monthly goal, your weekly goal, your daily to-do lists, and your support system to see what you have accomplished or need further work on.

Read “Tips for Setting Career Goals” to get more guidance on how to write an effective goal.


Be More Productive in 7 Days by
Authored by: Amanda Griffin