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How to Get on the Radar of the Top Influencers of Your Industry

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Summary: The top influencers in any given industry can have a lot of sway with how others perceive your content. To be on their good list, expect a lot of giving before you can ask for a favor.

Nothing comes for free. If you want to get “in” with the well-connected and trusted individuals from your industry that have the power to affect the opinion of others then you will have to give something to them first. Here are 6 tips to help you start that relationship.

  1. Give before even thinking of asking. Promote their content, attend their events, offer to interview them, and ask how you can help them. Authentically follow them on social media for months so that your name becomes familiar to them, then you can politely ask for a simple favor.
  2. Create great content that will get the influencers to come to you. Don’t aim to attract everyone, but instead focus your content to make those interested stay committed.
  3. Engage in a meaningful way. Leave thoughtful comments on their posts about other articles they have written or talks given. Find a way to get face-to-face after conferences to make your comments about their accomplishments even more authentic.
  4. Write good genuine content about them. You can invite them to be featured and review their company’s product or service.
  5. Take the time to get to know them. Read their biography and relate any notable parts in comments you leave on their posts. Research which social media account they spend the most time on to know which one to follow more often as well.
  6. Remember the emerging influencers. While those emerging might not be “the” influencer you want to connect with, they might be someday. They can also provide ways to get to that key influencer you are trying to reach.

Building a relationship doesn’t happen overnight, but will take a significant amount of time for the influencer to trust your interest. Keep giving and asking how you can help them before trying to get something from them. You will learn more by showing genuine interest and following their content. Creating a reputation of being pushy and demanding will stay with you and prevent you from receiving any help from any influencers in the industry.


How to Get on the Radar of the Top Influencers of Your Industry by
Authored by: Amanda Griffin