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Working in $100000 Jobs

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Generally such sectors as- doctors, surgeons, corporate executives, lawyers, cosmetologists, orthodontists, dentists, gynecologists, pediatricians’ architects, engineers etc are known to earn $100K. But recently, demand for psychologists, especially child psychologists and educational psychologists have increased, so are web managers. Thus they too have jobs in $100,000 salary range! Incredibly, even truck driving can gain you a whopping $100,000 per annum.

Working in 100K jobs cannot be luxurious all the time. There are some characteristics common to jobs that pay so highly. Working in 100K jobs demand certain characteristics that are enumerated in the following paragraphs:

  • First and foremost, you set of mind should be suited to a job like this. One should be motivated enough toward success. Without the urge to be successful one cannot reach a stage like this. Thus need for achievement and success has to be present in the person
  • With the above mentioned characteristic comes an indispensible characteristic- ability to work with all that one has. To be able to put in all the resources and energy one has to achieve success. If you are hard working and successful, people will be willing to pay you what you deserve.
  • Thirdly, it has to be in your forte. You just cannot work hard and drown yourself in a work that you have no interest in. Interest in it, motivates you to learn more about it and work harder at it.
  • Educational qualification for that particular profile of job.
  • If you can punch in job or field experience along with the above mentioned requirements, then nobody can stop you from bagging a $100000 job! Experience makes a person smarter at what he does.
  • With experience and higher intellectual capabilities, comes creativity, to create something new and something useful. Possessing this would act as one’s USP toward success.
  • Perseverance is also a required quality. Being too whimsical or changing jobs frequently, stall the chances of promotion to higher levels.
  • Responsibility is another important factor. Such high profile jobs include massive amount of responsibility on the shoulders of the earning personnel. A doctor of any kind deals with people’s life and death, psychologists with the future well being of the person, engineers, architects too are indirectly responsible for people’s lives, CEOs have the responsibility of taking the company forward and being answerable for all its activities and to maintain an impeccable impression.

It is not very easy to be working in 100K jobs. These characteristics should be innate in a person to reach such a stage in his career. How to get paid $100000 is quite simple -Sincerity, sharp intellect, perseverance, competency, correct work attitude, professional approach etc are just a few of the key features required to be in $100000 jobs.

Working in $100000 Jobs by
Authored by: Harrison Barnes