Articles Written By: Harrison Barnes

This author has written 19837 articles

Five Unique And Profitable Home Based Businesses

Have you been sifting through the piles of information on home businesses, and found that you’ve come up with nothing that sounds like you? In the faceless world of the Internet and research books, it can seem that the choices for home based businesses are quite bland. However, with a little left-brained thinking (creativity!) and some thought, you might be able to come up with a profitable home business idea that not only rakes in the dough, but that you also enjoy immensely...

How to Find a New Career Path

One of the hardest decisions one can make is the fact that they want to change their career path or search for a new career path. This is once decision that has a lot of unsurely attached to it and most people would advise one against it. Switching careers is a very bad idea as according to most, but sometimes it is best to switch as it can be something completely new. The newness is indeed quite refreshing and it is a change that can do wonders for a person.

Sum of Its Parts

I just spent a week at the beach with my family and, as much as I vowed not to think about work, stumbled onto a highly relevant lesson for marketing professional services. It was actually my mother who inspired this lesson, thanks to the following beachy quote she had on the refrigerator: