Career Advice

Conquering Stage Fear to Build a Better Career

Your career is built upon a series of live performances. At each important step of our lives, whether in an interview or an office meeting, we come under close scrutiny of other humans. For many people, the feeling of being scrutinized and judged impairs efficient delivery of speech and presentations, causing queasy stomachs, sweating palms, and immobilized minds - a syndrome popularly known as stage fear. It can devastate your career if you fail to conquer it.

Harness the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Get a Job and Improve Your Career

I know of so many people who fail to get jobs and, ultimately, do not have good careers because they keep their minds cluttered with things that have nothing to do with their job search. I have wanted to write for some time about how to harness the subconscious mind in your job search. Many people get suspicious about this topic, however.

Is Your Career Tuned to You?

Most of us spend precious time of our lives jumping from job to job and career to career in a bid to find the holy grail of career satisfaction. Few of us ever reach it. Of those who are at peace with their station in life, most are people why have embraced reality, not resigned to it.